...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Turn out the lights...

...the party's over, they say that all good things must end. And this ended ugly!!!

The guys are in disbelief. As you can see below, I am putting my Charger gear back in storage, in hopes of NEXT YEAR!!! Unfortunately, it is always in hopes of NEXT YEAR!!! My son text me "Booooooooo" and I text him back, "Waaaaaaah". And that is what it is like, being a Charger fan!!!

The one cool thing, is when we leave our good friends home, there was a rainbow that had an ending and a beginning, a perfect arch across the sky.
It wasn't really bright, so a blip wouldn't have done it justice. But it does remind me of the promise of a new tomorrow, or in our case, a new season of NFL football.

So now I must proclaim.....Go Saints!!!

Reggie Bush is a hometown boy, my son & daughter went to high school with him and Drew Brees was a Charger, so that's my story for this Sunday, and I am sticking to it!!!

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