
By WharfedaleBex


This is the first baby bird I've noted this year - a young blackbird. It flew onto the back of a chair outside the window as I was coming off the phone to my mum. As we ended the call, I saw it fly down to the right. I was hoping it would still be around.

I caught the little monkey sitting in my pot of wild strawberries helping itself.

No cherries and no strawberries either then this year.

This little chap wasn't the only thief of the day. Little Dog stayed at Liz's with Bessie while we went to see the rehab team. She's useless at drinking water and needs much encouragement. However, today, when we arrived back, it's the first thing she did. Then again. Then again.

I began to suspect she'd had her head in Bessie's food bin and helped herself. Given she hasn't asked for tea nor sat at the fridge when I came back from the shop for her raw carrot treat, I became increasingly suspicious.

Now, having taken her for a gentle stroll, I noted the half way change in hue of the poo to Bessie's colouring and the rather weighty poo bag. I think the evidence is now clear! I'm afraid, along with nature, poo fascinates me too and it did make me chuckle. CJ seems OK with no real cause for concern but we're keeping an eye on Bloated Little Dog.

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