
By Inverculain


I’d love to tell you I managed to take a break from meetings today, and wandered off into the magnificent Nordic forests where I saw this lichen growing on the bark of a thriving birch tree.

I didn’t. The birch tree in question is one of several that has been chopped down and arranged to form part of the décor in the airport lounge in Oslo. Looking on the bright side, at least I now know which is the north face of the lounge.

Hopefully, this’ll be my last airport blip for while. The last five weeks of intensive travel, which started with my trip to Madrid, ends when I get home tonight! :)

With a little while to spare in the lounge, I though I’d count up some of the figures from my recent travels:

I’ve taken 30 flights, totalling approximately 46,362 miles. (Slightly less than the equivalent of twice around the world.)

I’ve visited 17 cities in 10 countries.

Of the last 37 nights, I’ve spent 33 in a bed, and 13 at home. The longest consecutive number of nights spent in the same bed was 3.

And I am, to be perfectly frank…quite knackered!

Sometimes I’ve found it hard to make time to blip (and frustrating that I can’t get anything other than airport shots), but it’s also been great to have this daily commitment to make sure that, at least once a day, I concentrate on something other than work. And while I’ve been on the road, it’s been great “company” to get your comments and good wishes, and to be able to (mostly!) keep up with your journals. That’s gone a long way towards keeping me sane, and I've really appreciated it – THANK YOU!! :)

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