Low maintenance!!

Safe arrival at P & R’s for a relaxing weekend. I was able to crochet in the car on the journey, the first time I’ve lifted a hook or needle since returning from Worcester last Friday.

Having spent 20+ hours at the computer this week, I’ve almost finished my data entry and will only have to sit here to upload my daily blip. Bliss!!

The garden in this blip is the front/little/posh one (different names ascribed by different people) which we planted up in autumn 2011 when P went off to Nepal. It was intended to be low maintenance (we would care for it on visits,) no maintenance (if R was responsible)!!! My daughter has numerous skills, but gardening doesn’t even make the bottom of any list…bless her!! She takes after her father! I have his permission to say this :0)

This is todays view…….it hasn’t been touched since we last visited in January!! Not bad at all. I would have started on the big tidy up this afternoon, but it has poured with rain since we got here. Just waiting for a lull in the wetting game and we will take the girls for a walk before R gets home from work.

They are on the doggie equivalent of the the naughty step at present, but I still love them!!!

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