Jogging my evening away

This is our famous canal that separates us from the mainland Helsinki. Laajasalo, the island where we live, is the biggest island in Helsinki. We have one bridge that takes us to mainland with cars, and this little one that offers us a picturesque route the view the shore line. Some sightseeing boats have a route around Laajasalo. We sometimes go on these tours because it's very pretty from the sea and we don't have our own boat.

The circle without any number is where I live and in the map is the route I jogged this evening. Around number 4 (4 kilometers from my house) is this canal. The pictures are taken with my new iPod touch that I use from listening music while I go jogging. So it's a very good combination for my use...

The bridge for cars - number 5 - has also very picturesque scenery so perhaps I'll show you that some other time. I was planning on doing it today, but as the sightseeing boat was just in the canal as I was passing by, it had to be that one :-D.

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