Rodents rule

By squirk


After the torrential rain of yesterday and last night, it was wonderful to see the sun today. I spent the morning making a start on my first-ever tax return (aargh), then I decided that I really needed to go out in that sun. Fred came with me to the Dulwich Picture Gallery to see Drawing Attention. It was its last day and it was busy, but not too packed. It was an incredibly uplifting and inspiring exhibition, with sketches by various painters, including Degas, Matisse, Picasso and Burne-Jones. Using just simple media, such as graphite and chalk, amazing pieces were created.

We sat and soaked up the sun while drinking tea, and we took out our sketchbooks and had a quick doodle. It was so enjoyable to be caught up in something creative rather than listen to the wee voices in our heads nagging about the issues of the day - tax return, possible asbestos in the paint in the bedroom...

...oh yes, that's the latest worry. There's textured paint in the bedroom and a quick google on how to sand it down or skim over it led us to 'some textured paints have asbestos'. Aaaaargh! How we love DIY and the horrors it throws at us in this old building. So, we'll chat to the environmental officer tomorrow. Sigh.

In the meantime, I'll finish that sketch with an ink wash and silence all those voices.

I'm loving this song today.

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