One Elbow Down

By mort

Memory Lane

Just one of those perfect days. D left the flat early in search of wedding dresses with one of her brides maids. We met up to look at a potential venue and decided that it was the perfect. Stopping for lunch to celebrate, we discovered the restaurant manager had gone to school with D and he gave us a great pinot noir to wash down three exceptional courses (followed by cheese, port and coffee).

Leaving D to search for more dresses, I found myself in the west of the city near the grass market. It's an area I spent many hot summers during my teenage years wandering through clothes and comic shops listening to 'The Doors' on my headphones. So I went for a bit of a wander and relived some old memories.

One of which is this: in over 10 years of hardcore, glow-sticks and whistle clubbing, this was the only club I ever threw-up in. Nice.

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