Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Follow my leader?

The family Pink went to the zoo today. Here in pinkshire, it has been sunny, so we decided to make the most of it. Fully fuelled up on a pub lunch, we went (high speed) in a zig zag-against-the-flow-Master-Pink-stylee wander around the local zoo. We saw the white tiger,monkeys, some fish, the wallabies, goats, an anteater , the big lion looking for his lioness, and the zebra, giraffes and Elephants. Master Pink aided by Mr Pink, fed Tanya, the elephant (carrot and stale bread if you were wondering). Baby Pink slept.

One of my favourite parts of the Zoo is the sealion tunnel. You can walk through a large tunnel and see the sealions swimming above you. Their nextdoor neighbours are the penguins. These penguins looked as if they were involved in some very serious "follow my leader" game playing. None of them dare step out of line as the one at the front kept turning to check up on the others.

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