Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Distant spires (3)

‘Because the land is level it need not be supposed that it is ugly; on the contrary there is a charm in the expansiveness of the landscapes which the natives sadly miss when they are obliged to live in a hilly country where the horizon is always close at hand and the sky is much limited. To the visitor, as a rule, it is the great cloudscapes and the vastness of the dome of heaven of the Fens which makes the greatest appeal, for one is able to see the most astonishing groupings of shadow-filled cumulus clouds when the wind is bringing the great creamy-white masses across the deep azure of the zenith.’

Gordon Home, Through the Chilterns to the Fens (1925)

I do think, however, that Gordon Home had never visited the Pyrénées Orientales!

A couple of my photos appeared on the Light Ships project website today. I hope to continue this series and have been asked to contribute some photos to the final exhibition which I will be very pleased to do.

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