Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat.

It was sunny this morning, so J decided to go out on his motor bike, and meet up with his biker buddies. A man has to have male bonding from time to time! I thought i would take a walk with the camera ( of course )and get the newspaper. I walked as far as Laleston, and saw that the American Circus is coming on the 4th of July. The week before the main entourage arrive, they usually send two small caravans and then they go around the town with leaflets promoting the circus. When i got back, with very little in the way of blips, i again went on birdwatch. This Starling looked particularly handsome sitting on the fence, displaying his wonderful colours to true advantage. When J arrived home ,we had to go the library to take the dvd back and while we were out it started to rain. I had left my washing on the line, and by the time we got back it was wet. Sorry it's yet another bird blip, but inspiration is low this week.

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