'Moody Evening Sky'

Just before arriving home tonight.

Had a call from Uncle Donald tonight to say that Nana Mac was released from hospital today. Yesterday she had a pace maker installed, but they couldn't find anything else wrong with her. She'll be 98 in about 5 weeks time and it's going to be a tough ask to get her to take it easy while she recovers from the op. She's certainly not one to just sit around and always keeps busy.

Both kids were invited around to Dylan's friend Tommy's house tonight after school they stayed there and had dinner and MsMun picked them up after her meeting up at the school.

Meanwhile I cooked up a steak dinner for the two of us when they all arrived home around 8:30pm tonight. Bella went straight to bed and TBM is still awake as usual.

Been a big week, one more day to get through before the weekend.

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