
I haven't had a squirrel in a LONG LONG time. So, when this young man waited for me on my fence, I ran upstairs to get my camera.

He was waiting for a treat, and I usually oblige. He got a small handful of dry-roasted peanuts...unsalted, of course.

I don't even know if he got any of the nuts. He bolted when I opened the door, and the next time I looked out...the blue jays had magically appeared.

How do they know when the peanuts come out? Is it a sixth sense? Do they hear me open the jar? Do they hear me talking to the squirrel? Do the other birds cry out?..."FRESH STUFF...FRESH STUFF!!"

The jays...they know...
when I come out with the nuts.
They change their plans...
to get in on the glut.

Day six of the baby robins is on my FLICKR PAGE. I can tell they are getting bigger, but none of the 4 babies would move for me today. They must be tired.

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