
Since we got back from holiday we have been on a 'sort the house' mission. Last night, having finally had enough of our living room being a play room, we set about converting one end to Audrey's corner.
We now have some adult space back and feel much better for it.

Took this picture this morning, Audrey in her PJs discovering her new toy cupboard and area. There were lots of "wow"s and "oooooh"s and she treated some of her toys as though they were brand new. Amazing what a move around can do!!

Had a brilliant day with her today. She has loved having a day with her Mum and despite 5-6 hours sleep last night for us both (yep teething), she has been on great form. Lots of parks, swings, books and play. Just what she needed I think.

I had a real job juggling work though as clients were not impressed that I was unavailable and I had a few stressful phone calls in Longford Park with Audrey chirping in the background.

I apologised to one client about the background noise and she said, "Oh it's OK, I have dogs and I find it really hard to work at home when they are there too!" Yes, because looking after dogs and working is EXACTLY like looking after a toddler and trying to work!!!??!!!! Not!

Out tonight for a lovely catch up with my friend M at Alberts in Didsbury. Gorgeous meal and great company and a very funny singalong to Def Leppard's Hysteria album on the way home in the car!

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