
Dave here was hard to miss on Market Square today. It wasn't so much his striking wild hair but his sheer bulk and presence. I spotted him holding court with two men who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his stories. I didn't want to interrupt so I sat at a distance and waited for him to finish talking. It proved to be a very long wait - but this was a face worth being patient for!

When eventually the men freed themselves I plucked up courage to wander over myself. He warned me right away that he was rather gobby! I knew what I was letting myself in for. What a character. I think you could call him a force of nature. This man has lived life with an extraordinary intensity. And continues to do so. It was very hard to tear myself away - and equally hard to shut him up long enough to take a serious portrait. A less serious one here.

It's been a much better day today. I was up early for a run on the moor before cycling into work, where I decided to pretty much ignore everything that was coming at me so I could focus on the job I started yesterday. It's an interesting and challenging bit of code and I almost had it all working by the time I left tonight. That was a good feeling and it inspired me to a brisk ride home over the moor road in just 33 minutes. I can feel myself getting stronger all the time right now. That's a good feeling too.

PS If you look at the other shot you will see that he has these beard pony tails. On the end of each was tied a loop of rubber band. I asked if that was where he hangs his keys, but no, he uses them to hang his beard ends up from his ears to get it out of the way - which he duly demonstrated. Quite ingenious really.

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