Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

A classic

If you are a computer geek, you will recognise this venerable old antique from Computer History - it's the Commodore PET (Personal Electronic Translator!!)

I remember seeing this at an Open Day at Wooler High School of all places, and being utterly utterly transfixed by it. I was utterly fascinated by the fact that you could actually control the output to the screen through computer code - this just was utterly out of this world for me. I couldn't get over the fact that when you pressed keys on the keyboard, the letters came up on the screen - I was hooked.

And so started my long sad relationship with technology which has cost me thousands and thousands, but has been very good fun. It's amazing to think that the PET initially shipped with 8K of RAM. Yes, 8K not 8 Megs or 8 Gigs - 8K!!!!

If you're not a geek, you will not even remotely begin to understand the significance of a relic like this, and you will be thinking "Thank goodness I am not, and never will be, even half as sad as that person".

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