
6pm, home from work and I had time to bask in the very hot sunshine. It was so hot I needed a hat and glasses.

A friend called me just as I was about to go for a run and was on the phone for over an hour so I ended up setting off at 8:30pm, it was nice, not many people about and the heat of the day had gone. I have not run for a very, very long time and I am hugely out of shape and very, very wobbly. I managed 16 minutes today before I had to stop for a minute or so. My skeleton feels all crunchy and out of kilter but I know it will fall back into place if I can keep this up. I decided not to push myself as I want to try and repeat the efforts tomorrow night and I know I won't if I feel achy and stiff. I managed about 25 minutes of running in all and even managed some small runs up steep inclines. Now the big question is, will I do it tomorrow!!!???? I have to say I have missed my trainers :-) Time for a cool swim in the bath now, I'm roasting and the colour of a very unhealthy beetroot!

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