Tay Ghillie

By challum

Great Day!

Wake up and no hint of any pain in the back. Good start thinks me and I swing my legs off the side of the bed and there is no hint of the cold that has been with me for a few days now. Great! Out into the garden to collect a couple of eggs for my breakfast and yep the girls have delivered the goods. Looking up I see the branches are still - can this day get any better I ask myself.

Slip into the lycra, buckle up the helmet and clip my shoes into the pedals and I am off. Regular visitors will know that what with weather and physical problems this has not been the best start to my cycling year, but today is different already. I'm spinning the pedals up the hill and soon find myself heading out towards South Queensferry past Cramond Brig. I was planning to join the cycle path near to Dalmeny but the path has a deadly coating of hard packed ice and progress is impossible, so I get back onto the road and head towards Boathouse Bridge. I was planning to follow the airport perimeter fence towards the Gogar Burn and then home, but this ground was new to me and there is no bridge over the Gogar Burn. Never mind, I can wade it and I gently lowered my steed into the water to use it as a brace but with all the recent snow melt the burn was big and there was no way I was going to wade this, so back along to Boathouse Bridge again where I joined the road to Kirkliston and then the A80 past my blip for today. I was feeling great and making good time. Only 16.6 miles but it's almost double what I have done so far this year!

Back home now to wash and lub the bike, clean out the chooks and set a reminder for the Tour Down Under which is on Sky tonight at 5pm. The first PRO Race of the season and I'm very excited.

Yep., it's a great day!

ps.Back Blipped for yesterday

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