First 18 holes

Two full days ahead as part of the interview panel for a new Headteacher at the school so I took my day off today. I had been invited by the Ladies Captain and a friend for a round of golf and lunch. The course is known locally as "cardiac hill" (behind me on the picture, this is only about a third of the way up)so I was quite relieved that they had kindly provided a buggy as well!

Having a lift up some of the hills and not having to pull a trolley meant that I just had enough energy to play all 18 holes, which is the first time I've done that and it was still quite a tough course. I was nervous before I started but they were both great and very encouraging. I played some of my best ever golf and was really pleased with my score (we won't talk about the three disastrous holes though!) Lunch was great too.

Great exercise and great company with just perfect weather too, warm but not over hot.

Unfortunately I do have a meeting this evening but it has been a great day and given me some fresh air to prepare me for the next two days.

This shot was taken on my phone and then tweaked a bit in Photoshop.

Thanks to Beewriter I am now very wet having experimented with water balloons. I've put three in my blipfolio. I think nr 2 looks like a bird and nr 3 like an owl. Didn't manage to get a nice balloon shape though.

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