
By EmilyRose7

Ant Fight @ Sunset

It's the ant fight I'm sure you all heard about.

It was the never ending sunset ant fight at the end of the world!

I was out on the rooftop of my apartment building and came across these two ants that were fighting or mating or something. Who knows. I like the idea of a fight to the death. :)

They went on like this for the longest time and went back and forth between being on the tip of the ledge and being on the side of the ledge, just barely staying on and not falling 3 floors.

After like 10 minutes, I was still on the rooftop so I went to check in on them and they were still battling it out. Eventually, I went inside so I have no idea who won.

I'm hoping that they decided to reconcile and make up with no ant death from the ledge...but it's a rough world sometimes, so who knows.

In reality, they will probably end up in my kitchen soon...that seems to be were all the rest of their ant friends like to spend their time.

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