First pair of soccer cleats

I don't know who was more excited for these cleats to arrive in the mail today, Alex or mommy. Quick to try his new kicks on, Alex didn't even waste time with socks. Of course I wasn't far behind with the camera and his shin guards. So much fun watching him discover just the basics of this new sport and revisiting some of the memories I have of the years and years I devoted to this wonderful game. I can't wait to break these in on the field.

In other news (just in case my happy blips suggest otherwise) this sweet little angel threw a two hour temper tantrum tonight. Can we say too much fun in the sun with friends today?

Oh, my overtired boy.

Isaac and I retreated to the back patio for our dinner this evening and pretended we were kidless. We found that we can turn any night into a date night if we get far enough away from the sobbing.

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