Yesterday we talked about you beginning kindergarten in just a couple months

We read over the "what you should know before you enter kindergarten" your teacher gave us.

The part about focus and concentration had you just a bit worried.

I reassured you focus so, so much with your art, writing, and building legos

And here you were today...writing out a menu for your restaurant upstairs.
Today's menu included:
cinnamon applesauce

And the pieces hanging on the wall...some of my favorites of yours and your sister

Furthest to the left is your dinosaur drawing. The description reads:
"My dinosaur is a T-Rex. It's a boy. He lives in our river bottom. His name is Tyrannosaurus Rex. He eats meat. I feed him deer. He lifts me up to the moon. He scares bad guys away from me and eats them."

And THAT makes this heart happy.

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