
By kevinG

Oral Surgery

Woke up and took a shower. Mom and Law picked me up from Park and we got Otto's for breakfast.

Lounged about for a bit then Dad picked me up for oral surgery.

Pre-medicated then laughing gas, numbing cream, and Novocaine.

Talked to my nurse Christine for a while until Dr. Mazzei came in. He's a friend of my dad's.

Quick surgery with my eyes closed so I didn't see what tools he was using.

Went to Smashburger after where my dad got me two chocolate milkshakes, AKA dinner.

Took a pain killer.

In moderate pain.

Going to bed now.


P.S. Woke up after two hours of sleep, took another pain killer, and watched some Bachelorette with Mom for an hour.

Going back to bed.


Today's Random Thoughts:

I think in the future people are going to look back at orthodontics and be disgusted by it.

It's purely cosmetic. It's really not necessary for health so if you think about it it's really just to get people to fit into modern beauty standards. I once heard it compared as the modern equivalent of binding feet.

Pretty accurate if you ask me.

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