Squirrel alert!

I met a new dog in the park today, a lively Jack Russell terrier named Pokey. Pokey loves to jump. You can see what a good jumper she is by how skillfully she stands on her hind legs and barks up the tree. I was told she tore the ACLs in both back legs, and the vet had to replace them with fiberglass. According to her owner, Pokey is fascinated by squirrels and is really persistent in her pursuit of them. I watched her jump around at the bottom of that big tree and bark and bark. Although I don't speak "Bark", I'm guessing the translation was, "Come on down here, squirrel. I want a piece of you!"

I also learned a new word today: fozzle.
According to the meteorologist on TV it's a combination of fog and drizzle.
That's what we had today.
It's very unpleasant!
I'm ready for more snow.

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