Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Sports Day

I usually manage to avoid sports day due to work but had no excuses this year so at 8.30 I was putting gazebos up on the playing field. I was obviously in the wrong place at the wrong time because I managed to get a job giving out the 4th place tickets. 4th!!!! Now, 1st place I wouldn't have minded, and even 2nd place at a push but 4th!!!! Don't they know who I am??????!!!!!

It was actually quite a fun morning and we were allowed to stay and have lunch with the children. Poppy refused to sit with us and ran off to eat with her friends. Alfie was a bit grumpy because he didn't do very well (he's not really built for speed) Poppy did pretty well in most of her events. Unfortunately Green House were triumphant as usual and red house came 3rd.

All this exercise has exhausted me.

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