It's in his eyes

Ok so this is my 100th blip! That came around fast. I've been thinking on and off if I'd do a celebratory picture or a casual 'yeah so what' picture taken with my phone to emphasise my cool. I've gone for the former. I thought of this last night but in my own true fashion did nothing about it until just before j's bedtime. I had no idea if it would work but it did and I now owe him a Gormiti. He was getting tired but so far isn't tiring of being a model (he loves to check his ratings on blip).

We decided midday to visit The Burrell Collection. It was A bit late in the day but we all needed to get out of the Edinburgh area. It's fine staying in the same place if you are kind of forced by the weather but as today was mild and grey, i just had to get away. The Burrell is so beautiful, we didn't have much time but were glad we went. We'll go back soon for a proper visit.

Tonight Kevin is going to the opening night of 'The Price' an Arther Miller play at the Lyceum tonight (he's scenic painter at the Lyceum). I was going to go but it would have meant dropping J off at my sisters for the night and as he's not been too well I thought better of it. I'll go with my sister later this coming week.

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