...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Not sure if you can spot Miles in this picture but he's walking towards the ocean. He didn't end up liking going into the ocean, he preferred just to look at it. And he got nervous when mommy or daddy went in too. But whenever he saw other kids playing in the waves he would say, "see, they aren't scared...the waves aren't getting them"
Today was our last day on vacation and when we told Miles we were leaving he said, "but I like it here" Ya buddy, we do too! It's very sad to leave as we've had such a great time.
Today we took in as much beach and pool time as possible, which included a poolside nap for Miles. Daddy had to work most of the day and Miles said, "work is for buildings!" Which I guess was his way of saying he shouldn't work on vacation.
We are now waiting to board our red eye flight...which I booked prior to knowing I was pregnant. Definitely would NOT have chosen this option now ;) hopefully we can all sleep in the way back.

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