mass canvass

beefy and I did our first door to door canvass today as part of the scotland-wide mass canvass organised by radical independence. we were at seaton in one of the high rise flats. 62 folk in total turned up and gave up their time to canvass which is amazing.

if you had told me back in the 80s/90s that I would be out canvassing with my dad...I'm not sure I would have believed you...but that was ace.

we had more yes than no, a few undecideds, some that didn't know what we were on about and some not answering doors. it was interesting and nerve-wracking but great to be part of it. I'm looking forward to hearing the overall result from all the canvasses that day...this will be a proper poll of thousands of folk.

next indyref stop for me is the aye inspired exhibition next weekend.

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