Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Mono Monday - Still Life

It feels strange to get my blip over and posted so early in the day (for me).
I tend to wait til the end of the day. Busy with too much paper work that has to be done today! Poo! This isn't what I dreamed up in my head but it does have the roses I wanted in it. Thanks to Rainie for hosting Mono-Monday this month. A lot of work for her to do. Such a trooper!

Edit here: I'm avoiding paper work! Ha! That's what happens when you work from home. You can find lots of excuses to avoid work. While going through some papers, and other junk on my desk, I found a 'Maxine' calendar with great quotes on it. I think I'll post a quote a day, at least for awhile, from this old calendar. Maxine is created by John Wagner.

I'm learning to live with less.
Less stamina, less patience, less enthusiasm...

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