Back to work

We were both back to work today and as the sun was shining, Alan went on his Vespa and I went on my bike. I've got an App on my phone which logs the journey including the distance, speed and calories. It's exactly 5.5 miles from home to the office so an 11 mile round trip which took me 40 minutes each way and that allowed for a quick blip stop. I've got to be careful that I don't get carried away taking photos though, otherwise I'll make myself late!

On my way to work I spotted this fishing boat going out for the morning catch, but what made me laugh is that there's a seagull hitching a lift - if you look closely, he's sat on top of the metal frame at the back of the boat.

Once I was back on my bike I road at a steady 13 mph along the undercliff walk and onto Madeira Drive, arriving in town with 20 minutes to spare. It was really enjoyable and great exercise, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather stays good so I can do it more often.

Thank you for putting my red poppy field on the spotlight yesterday, I'm glad you liked it as much as we did!

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