Wacko for Schmackos??

A Truly Grrreat day…The Boss driven by remorse about the sheep (wether) which had started out with hi hopes and moved into lo no blo and fog for the dog, (hey that’s pretty cool) reneged when The Lovely J, Boss of Sharna of Tibet was feeding her a Schmackos lunch and decided that it might be in his Blipping interest to allow ME to partake while he had his fruitphone in burst mode. No, the phone didn’t burst, and I had only a few of the afore mentioned treats which was nowhere near enough for ME to burst but this and later models of the fruitphone can shoot in “burst mode” which is maybe faster than that really expensive SLR and Grreat for capturing action in focus. I don’t mess about when treats are in the hand, so to bark.

Such are Grrreat decisions made.

Sharna…totally disgusted and swearing softly in Tibetan, simply walked away rather than watch.

Captains Dog Log… Stardate 21.327.0.GW

While captured in a Stella fog, one of the crew was observed attempting to bribe Captain Tuss with alien treats. The Captain altho reluctant to partake in alien food, felt morally obligated as refusal may have offended the staff member who had only recently been beamed down from the Northern Stella Wilds. Security has been advised to record any further incidents and destroy the memory cube.
Additional Data….Stella is really quite nice and hardly ever wild.
Oh…Right…Warp factor 3 thank you Scotty Dog.

Inspect the Curl Chamber?

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