Oh no!

Well yesterday carried on to about three this morning and was somewhat complicated late arrival in our second hotel in Donegal. Ok it was at two in the morning. I get my room key (one of those cards) I plooter along to my allocated room insert the card open the door and enter. The first thing I noticed was one of the bedside lights was on. The second thing I noticed was a bra with the biggest cups you ever saw.(probably manufactured by John Brown shipyard!).The third thing I noticed was the prone figure of the owner of the aforementioned Amazonian bra who rose upright from her slumber like some demented corpse. She stared at this midget apparition standing swaying slightly in the middle of her room! She screamed, I screamed then trying to calm her down lest she chucks me into one of her oversize bra cups and catapult me through the window(second floor) which would not have bode well for my already precarious situation. Given we were in Donegal and that said hotel had a wedding on, I figured she was Irish so I spoke to her in Gaelic. Wrong move! She was German! Anyway I reverted to English and reversed out the room while keeping a warey eye on her and the other on the humongous bra. I escaped across the hall to my pal who was just entering her room.Thankfully there were no stray bodies in her room but both beds were unmaid and the tips left by the previous occupants was still there. Once we stopped laughing at my close encounter we had to go back to reception to get other rooms. The guy was most embarrassed and quickly sorted us out but it was the best laugh of the trip.
Went to Tory Island today and met the King but were were blown away by this cute wee odd eyed pup.

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