
By raubrey

Let the battle commence

For todays blip I wanted to fulfill 3 criteria:

1. Be colourful

2. Be non-bird related

3. Be relevant to what I am doing today

So, I finally decided on Mario. The reason is that we are having friends over this evening and they will be bringing over their seven year old son, Ben. Last time we had a wonderful evening filled with laughs, cheer and the Nintendo Wii.

Ben is a big fan of all things of the Wii and he is rather good at Mario Kart. Well he is very good considering that I have shirts older than him.

Last time Ben had beaten every challenger. I managed to narrowly beat him (and I was really, really trying and he was getting cocky) and I hear he wants revenge.

So today's blip is dedicated to my little mate Ben. Let the battle commence.

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