S1 - Another Day

By S1

Who needs a pillow when you've got soft toys!

CJ decided to have a sleep in this morning, unfortunately today is not he day for a sleep in as we have to be away early for rugby. So I went in to wake him and found the reason for the sleep in...

Poor CJ had been rather active during the night. The duvet had been tucked in and the toys were on different sides of the bed and the blanket was over him.

I did feel a little bad about waking him as he was very cute sleeping on all the toys in the bed rather than his pillow.

Luckily he woke up in a good mood and really enjoyed his rugby lesson. Afterwards we headed to our favourite cafe which also has soft play - where he continued to run around like crazy! We had hoped all this activity would result in an afternoon nap, but no... He continued charging round home while S2 and I tried to finish unpacking some boxes!

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