Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

good morning!

well almost morning...about 7:15 on the Oregon coast.

I am just a tiny bit nervous these days driving in the dark because I get these momentary flashes of light ("off the starboard beam", in my spouse's lingo) signifying the very beginning of a possible retina tear. I probably wouldn't even notice them so much but I know what they mean. being flashes of light, they are more obvious in the dark.

anyway, so now driving back & forth to work, I try to distract myself. Fortinately, some of my very favorite memories are riding with my Dad (& several sound asleep siblings) cross country at night. They rest would fall asleep in the back of the the woody and he would let me sit up with him and play navigator. Being one of 14 siblings, times spent one-on-one with my Dad were few & far between. So now I imagine him being with me as I do my daily commute in the dark.

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