
By Inverculain

Findochty Castle

I couldn't begin to estimate how many times in my life I've driven past Findochty Castle. I remember from my childhood stories of a smugglers' tunnel running under Strathlene golf course to connect it to one or other of the caves, but that loses its fascination once you've explored the caves and realised none of them goes further than 20 feet! Apart from that, it's an unremarkable pile of ruined masonry sitting some way back from the road, and I've never had the inclination to stop and photograph it. (And it's not a great road for stopping on anyway.)

Then today, when it's been overcast and drizzling pretty much non-stop, I drove past and happened to glance that way, and thought how the dreich weather really suited the castle and the cottage next to it, how their colours stood out. I got to Findochty, turned back, found a safe(ish) place to park and took this.

It was only when I looked at it on my laptop that I spotted the deer between the castle and the cottage :) You can probably make it out if you view it large.

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