Happy Summer Solstice!

A late start due to a late night the night before (funny how that works), a short afternoon getting messages, having a quick whizz around the flat with a Hoover and duster, then some food prep.

Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year - a day worthy of celebration for those of us so far north. It's the payback for those long winter nights. I moved to Scotland 15 years ago yesterday in order to celebrate the solstice with Dr T and we've been doing so since 1999. As is our custom, we invited over a few friends for witty conversation, playful badinage and crap jokes. A good time was had by all until the not so small hours of the morning. We almost saw the sun come up again.

This photo is of a sweet spot in the Stockbridge branch of Ian Mellis, Cheesemonger.

The perfect shopping song.

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