CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Unknown Beauty

A beautiful sunny start to the day. This lovely little flower in the garden caught my eye - I felt a macro coming and a poem was forming in my mind.

Unknown Beauty

Lovely orange beauty, sparkling in the sun,
Petals stretching wide, lifting our spirits,
Tiny and small, till caught by my lens,
Tho' now to my shame, I know not your name,
But surely in Blipworld, some one will know.

Life can be like this, people unknown,
Working so quietly, helping the world.
Take time to notice, magnify their deeds,
Thank them profusely, ask for their name
Then in Blipworld, they will be known by all.

PS. You will have noticed that I don't write in rhyme, nor particularly in strict metre but rather, by using rhythmical phrases, I try to convey the images and ideas in my mind. I have been to a Poetry course but, to be honest, I feel much freer to write in the manner I do. I can do the more 'correct' structure but not when I am trying to create a poem for my Blip.

PPS. Please let me know if you recognise the flower - or tell me about any 'unknown' person who has really served you well.

Enjoy your Sunday.

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