tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Looking the other way

It had not dawned on me before that the plumage of gull fledglings matches their own nest sites: it's actually shit-streak camouflage.

And talking of shit, I hope that everyone who follows the BBC realizes that they have censored any mention of a major event in London yesterday, a demonstration by 50,000 people against the government's austerity cuts. The march in fact started at the BBC's New Broadcasting House and filled the streets all the way to Westminster. My elder son was there, from Manchester, and I am dumbfounded by the refusal of respected major news organs to acknowledge the event. The Guardian has reported it but not on its front page, the Independent on Sunday leads with a story about a 'cash-finding game' and the BBC congratulates itself on having identified the single Scot who cheered Uruguay's victory in the world cup.

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