With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

There's a welcome

in Fornalutx at Muxiang, where Kenny is cooking and this evening, my first trip there, there were a few other friendly faces too.

It had taken quite some effort to get up this morning and then even more to get the boys out of the house, but then again it the first day of their holidays. They can't refuse a bit of stand up boarding though, I think this has been a wise investment. They had to go off eventually, but I adopted L for a while and she, at the tender age of 6, was getting right into it. Go girl! The K's and I desalinated ourselves and the got our fantastic takeaway from the hills and then watched the Germany Ghana game. Thank girls for a great afternoon, finally away from work for us all and sorry your team didn't win K.
S will have had a ball over in Ghana. No need for "Sorrio!"

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