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By Puffin

Cow Parsley- taking over

This is anthriscus sylvestris more commonly known as cow parsley, wild chervil, wild beaked parsley, keck, or Queen Anne's lace. It is a member of the umbelliferae family because its flowers grow in umbrella like clusters. It is abundant at the moment on roadside verges and all over the countryside.

This shot is in Mote Park in Maidstone. Some areas are cut short. Some areas are allowed to grow wild allowing the cow parsley, nettles and brambles to flourish. According to the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, these three plants in particular are gradually taking over so that less robust wild flowers fail to grow These days we see road side verges with only cow parsley. Attractive as it is I wonder whether at some point in the future there will be a drive to reintroduce other wild flowers back into our verges to save them from extinction

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