autumn joy

By autumnjoy

flash of memories

i was looking for something in my room and found this stack of memories. i started sifting through them.

photos, postcards, letters, drawings, notes, just everything i thought important enough to save over the past 4 years of life.

it made me happy.

whenever i consider my life like this i realize just how beautiful it is. just how blessed i am to be surrounded by and covered by so many wonderful people.

in particular i was struck by the card my professor/thesis director/mentor/friend wrote me upon graduating from undergrad. she wrote me a blessing:

May the Lord, God Almighty, bless you and keep you, in safety and in faithfulness.

May the Lord fire your soul to love truth, beauty, and goodness, and to shun their opposites.

May the Lord guide you to seek and to find the hidden riches of His world revealed by His Spirit.

May you love with courage, laugh with abandon, and live with wisdom.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Amen.

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