Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Ok, so I promised photos of the school fete. On a glorious sunny day, the conditions could not have been better - my 13th fete at that school and I think the best weather we have ever had - but it was not to be. My day sort of ran away with me and after dropping Thomas at the fete at 12 noon when it opened, I eventually only got back there at 3pm as it was finishing. In between that it involved driving around and the older boys, cancelled tennis matches and...well just a boring day.

Gavin of course was not around to help with lifts as he is busy sailing in the Round The Island race today - or I should say motoring back to the port, as there was just no wind and at lunch time they made a decision to abandon the race. Last year he completed the race in about 7 hours, this year they were only half way around the island after 6 hours and decided to call it quits. He is very disappointed.

So no photos of the fete...instead you have Adam, who was forced to oblige me with a photo after I had spent half the day running around after him - now he looks chuffed to be photographed, doesn't he?

Hopefully a quiet night in, although Thomas has 6 friends staying for a sleepover - now isn't that word a good example of an oxymoron?

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