Art Lesson

We got off to a fast start this morning with a visit from David at 7:50. I'm sure he's getting used to seeing me in my pajamas... We needed to consult him about "The Problem of the Pond"…Sounds like an Agatha Christie mystery! It should actually be problems because it has many, not the least of which is the fact that we don't like it much. In fact, the only thing we like about it is the sound of running water. More immediately, however, is the fact that it is inadequately plumbed, the drain is in the wrong place and the filter works only sporadically.. For the forth time since we moved here, OilMan had to drain it. Since the majority of our garden is on a hill above it, we can't use the water on it, so most of the 500 gallons run uselessly down the driveway. Not acceptable in a drought. We didn't bother refilling it this time.

David thinks we should put plants and fish in it.
I think that would look would look silly.
OilMan doesn't want to take care of fish OR a pond.

We contemplated putting dirt and an olive tree, in it, but I still think it would look like we planted a tree in hot tub.

When Ann got here for our painting lesson, she had some wonderful, though wildly expensive suggestions involving replacing the pond with another pond of a different shape and style. She is a landscape architect and tends to think big! OilMan still doesn't want to add pond upkeep to his long list of garden chores.

The pond that isn't really a pond must go. The search for an alternative continues.

Did I mention that Ann also suggested building an arbor over half our terrace? Now there's an idea….as she would say, it's bloody hot out there!

Our art lesson involved pencils, twigs, watercolors and an Agave. Great fun.

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