Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The power of the loom bands ...

Even 4 year old cousins get in on the act ....
Lucy does the most fantastic creations with these little colourful bands .. She makes flowers and rings,bracelets and pen holders .... I can't remember the rest but trust me there are lots of other 'stuff' ...

Busy day today ... Pooches and stuff and migraine stuff and also my brother and my eldest nephew arrived to stay the night as my brother went to see some old school friends so Adam stayed with me and Jake,the quote of the day is 'hey Jakey let's go in the shed and get naked' that was from Adam I hasten to add .... Naked they got and romped around the garden and in and out of the paddling pool for 3 hours .... It's clearly liberating being naked.

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