
Rushing into the conservatory after hearing a massive rumpus going on, I found this little fellow desperately trying to get out and the dogs bouncing around barking madly!

Quickly opening the doors, windows and roof light to help him on his way, he was positively determined to fly into every obscure and awkward position possible! After valiantly trying to steer and guide him I just missed a capture on the window ledge. Worse then, he shot behind the roof blinds and couldn't get out! Standing on a chair I did manage in the end to put my hand in between the blind and the window and pick the poor shivering and very frightened little bird up. Fluttering inside my hands he then stood looking round and walked up my arm. Oh for a camera to hand!! Eventually he flew onto a shrub, then this bramble and then off into a tree. Brilliant!

However this story hasn't got a happy ending as a few hours later, I walked back into the conservatory! While I'd been beavering away painting my office mayhem had ensued and I hadn't heard a thing! A lamp with a glass shade was broken on the tiles and dead on the floor was the little blue tit fledgling. I'm not sure if it was the same one but I think it was likely.

I saw a fox under the bird feeder this morning:

so... I slid out of the front door...
unlocked the car...
opened the boot...
changed the lens...
found a battery...
crept into position for the shot...
pressed the shutter:

'No card in camera'!! Aaargh!!!!!! :)) It happens!

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