1 Day Older

By nzredhead

The Look

Do not, under any circumstances, ask a male for some of his food. You will be rejected and given 'the look'. The look that reminds you that they do not like to share food. At all. Humph.

Sebastian has well and truly mastered the art of staring at me over his glasses and this is the look I often get when I ask him to do something, or ask him for something. I have to stifle my laughter every time.

This evening I took Sebastian to Matariki (more info here) over it Lyttelton. He had a ball! He introduced himself to anyone that had a dog or baby and caught his first glimpse of fireworks. Luckily (or sadly depending on how you look at things) Sebastian has some hearing loss at the moment, so the bangs didn't startle him too much :D

I took a lot of photos, most better than this, but this needed to be shared. Teejay, if he gives you this look, don't touch his doughnuts tehehe

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