Full day
Quick* run down on my day: *not really - feel free to scroll to the end)
Told Conor it was too early to get up, and he should go back to bed.
Told Conor it was still too early to get up, and he should go back to bed.
Told Conor that it was 5.30am, there was no way I was getting up, and if he'd eaten his dinner he wouldn't be so hungry now.
Gave up, got up and made oatibix for Conor.
Cup of tea.
Made 42 chocolate crispy cakes (with smarties on the top)
Made 64 shortbread biscuits in the shape of boys and girls.
Said bye to friend who had stayed and was off again.
Took kids to school and nursery.
Iced cake.
Made 4 loaves of bread-worth of sandwiches cut into shapes.
Cleaned house.
Moved furniture.
Blew up 40 balloons.
Tied balloons on gate (2, not 40)
Swept front yard to try and stop all the sand/grit from the winter weather ending up in the house.
Filled 30 party bags.
Cut up carrots.
Washed grapes.
Filled all bowls in the house with various party foods.
Didn't eat all the Pringles.
Went to nursery to collect 28 children.
Considered briefly joining a religion so I could pray that the entertainer would turn up on time.
Welcomed entertainer (on time).
Cuddled crying child frightened of our house.
Cuddled crying child frightened of my husband.
Cuddled crying child frightened of something unspecified.
Called mother of child with unspecified fears.
Took a million photos of beautifully behaved children howling with laughter at entertainer.
Cut cake into 28 very uneven pieces.
Tried to reunite 28 children with coats, hats, gloves, shoes, bags and special toys.
Texted all parents of children who had left behind coats, hats, gloves, shoes, bags and special toys.
Took Conor and friend to Enjoyaball.
Distributed various coats, hats, gloves, shoes, bags and special toys.
Meeting with Head Teacher.
Home to tidy house (delightful husband had done most).
Back to school to take Katherine and friend to drama and collect Conor.
Write detailed list of 27 presents being ripped open by Conor.
Eat dinner cooked by lovely husband.
Meeting with fellow new Brownie leaders to discuss strategy.
Emails re Parent Council meetings.
Now you tell me: where in all this do I have room for a job?
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