A Missed Kiss

I'd written a poem for the writing group this morning....secretly I was quite pleased with it and so I was glad that the others liked it. Carey came along too and hopefully they've not scared her off.

I had planned to scoot off somewhere and take an interesting pic, but instead I sizzled in the sun in the back garden all afternoon. Pelly spotted a little frog and I tried to capture it only to end up scratching my toes on a vicious bramble and so now I have to wash my bloodied flip flop. I scoured the bushes for my little hoppity friend, but he'd hidden himself away.

It was probably best he'd escaped as I was planning on taking his pic and then kissing him.


Can you show me angst
Anger and scorn
Can you look depressed, fearful....forlorn.
Let your face do the acting
No words or mime
Show me funny through a look...
Not a line.

I want to see passion plastered over your face
Every line...every scar...every freckle...
Every trace... to be telling a story, to be feeling the pain
Revealing where sorrow, hurt, joy, passion or elation has lain.
Anger, envy, regret and hate,
Loneliness, caution, panic or guilt.
Every muscle, every sinew performing alone...
Only then can you act
Can a new star be born.
I just see a book all empty and new
I hear emotion in your voice...
But nothing rings true.
Nothing there. Nothing written.
There's no story, no life
It's all cut away by a surgeon's knife.

When you look in a mirror what do you see
Is it the same woman who's looking at me
You are creating a person who doesn't exist
A female adonis..
A legend..
A myth.

With your botox fix and inflated tits
Your smile can't hide what it's feeling inside
Can a surgeon's knife really change your life
Or a facial peel alter how you feel.
You could be fantastic
You don't really need all that plastic...
You could've been fantastic.
But your face is all stretched like knicker elastic.

Gone are the freckles that danced on your face
The teeth are all gleaming, now whitened and straightened.
Where is the dimple that winked on your cheek
Your curls are all gone, now they're bleached and sleek.
You could have been fantastic...
You don't really need all that plastic.

Time tells a story, it highlights a life
Stories are etched in your face and your eyes.
I looked for the fun, the laughter, the sighs...
But you've cut them all out....
And replaced them with lies.
So it's a botox fix and inflated tits
But your smile can't hide what you're feeling inside.
Did that surgeon's knife really change your life...
Did that facial peel alter how you feel.

You could be fantastic...
You didn't need all that plastic.
You could've been fantastic...
Who wants their face stretched like knicker elastic....


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