GM Tulip

By GMTulip

Stop over in La Flegere

Emotional goodbyes all round. Hopefully it won't be another 4 years till we see them now they're based in Europe (see yesterday's blip)

Navigated Torino quotro times before hitting the autostrata...I was googling estate agents we were there so long.
Then we navigated a broken down truck in a tunnel...flares, tunnel assistance n everything, all very exciting for a very quick minute!

Cappucinos in Verres a very pretty Italian mountainside village...eventful stretch to say the least.

Paid a small fortune to go through Mt. Bianco (as they call it Italian side) it was glorious sunshine, we're sat in shorts n tee shirts with roof down...get through the otherside and BOOM! heavens open the sky is leaking....ahhh, BOX BOX BOX (navigators speak for 'we need to pit' roof up n jumpers's bloody freezing and I haven't brought a coat!

We've checked into a hotel just down the road from the apartment we stayed at when skiing in the area. Brings back lovely memories. Strange seeing it sans snow.

Dined on tartiflette and crème brûle delicious. Off to some car collection in Mulhouse tomorrow...

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