He studied others.....

....and found them wanting.

I've found the observations of someone at work troubling recently. He looks at others, finds their actions come-up short of his own exacting standards and judges them. He expresses his disapproval publicly and distastefully. Others, fearful of his judgement pander to him; he's like the sneering, weasel of a bully in the playground. I wish he could see himself as others see him and learn some humility and tolerance. He thinks himself a human, but his thoughts are as bad as the worst fundamentalist; religious other otherwise. He avoids me because he senses my appreciation of his nature; it's uncomfortable for him. I also don't pander to his nonsense.

Elsewhere in the city, it was noted by a work chum that I stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating. I've never noticed that about myself, but I quite like it.

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